Professor Vaclav Brezina

Professor in Corpus Linguistics

Research Overview

My main research interests are corpus linguistics, statistics, and the application of corpus methods in the study of speech and writing, learner language, collocations, phraseology and vocabulary. I am also interested in corpus design and corpus tools development. I welcome PhD proposals that focus on one or more of these areas.

Selected Publications

A Frequency Dictionary of British English: Core Vocabulary and Exercises for Learners
Brezina, V., Gablasova, D. 30/11/2023 London : Routledge. 352 p. ISBN: 9781032272696, 9781032272719. Electronic ISBN: 9781003292043.

Fundamental Principles of Corpus Linguistics
McEnery, A., Brezina, V. 22/09/2022 Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781107624689. Electronic ISBN: 9781107110625.

Statistics in Corpus Linguistics: A Practical Guide
Brezina, V. 09/2018 Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 296 p. ISBN: 9781107565241. Electronic ISBN: 9781316410899.

Corpus Linguistics, learner corpora and SLA: employing technology to analyze language use
McEnery, A., Brezina, V., Gablasova, D., Banerjee, J.V. 1/03/2019 In: Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. 39, p. 74-92. 19 p.
Journal article

Collocations in corpus-based language learning research: identifying, comparing and interpreting the evidence
Gablasova, D., Brezina, V., McEnery, A.M. 06/2017 In: Language Learning. 67, Suppl. 1, p. 155-179. 25 p.
Journal article

Collocation Graphs and Networks: Selected Applications
Brezina, V. 22/08/2018 In: Lexical Collocation Analysis. Cham : Springer p. 59-83. 25 p.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Collocation networks: exploring associations in discourse
Brezina, V. 10/06/2016 In: Triangulating methodological approaches in corpus linguistic research. London : Routledge p. 90-107. 18 p.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Exploring learner language through corpora: comparing and interpreting corpus frequency information
Gablasova, D., Brezina, V., McEnery, A.M. 06/2017 In: Language Learning. 67, Suppl. 1, p. 130-154. 25 p.
Journal article

Morphological complexity in written L2 texts
Brezina, V., Pallotti, G. 01/2019 In: Second Language Research. 35, 1, p. 99-119. 21 p.
Journal article

Epistemic stance in spoken L2 English: the effect of task and speaker style
Gablasova, D., Brezina, V., McEnery, T., Boyd, E. 1/10/2017 In: Applied Linguistics. 38, 5, p. 613–637. 25 p.
Journal article

Collocations in context: a new perspective on collocation networks
Brezina, V., McEnery, T., Wattam, S. 2015 In: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 20, 2, p. 139-173. 35 p.
Journal article

Significant or random?: a critical review of sociolinguistic generalisations based on large corpora
Brezina, V., Meyerhoff, M. 2014 In: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 19, 1, p. 1-28. 28 p.
Journal article

Is there a core general vocabulary?: introducing the New General Service List
Brezina, V., Gablasova, D. 28/02/2015 In: Applied Linguistics. 36, 1, p. 1-22. 22 p.
Journal article

  • ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science